We Lead Global Takeaways

We Lead Global Talk
What they took away

The following is taken from the We Lead Global blog after John’s talk on Self Image.

WQ4 Take-away - We let something change

John Murray's story of transformations caught in photos captured all of our attention. 

My take-away statement for the evening (maybe your afternoon or morning) was this statement:

Something has to happen for us to look different

From John' stories those somethings include changes in our self-awareness and self-perception: impostor syndrome, fear, the narrations in our head, what we think other people see, the false assumption that we look like the person in the mirror. 

These set assumptions, conscious and unconscious, can be interrupted. And when their spell is interrupted, there is a more authentic self that shows.  It is "the you between the notes". 

Who is the protagonist?

One of my personal reflections was who takes the action? Who makes it happen?

Clearly, if I am leading, I can open awareness or evoke some change. But, the change is in the subject. The subject is their own protagonist of change - in changing self-confidence as they would be for changing anything. 

I admit, sometimes I feel too responsible for the change. Instead, the leading is about artful bringing the change to be.  So, What do I have to be to affect the change?  What do I have to be to see the evidence in the face of the other person?


John told us wonderful stories that point to our options.  I'll call them stories of interrupting as in changing attention, laughter, absurdity, caring-full bluntness. 

They have the effect of communicating "stop that thing you are doing that is a pose". The persona that fills that space between stopping the pose and re-posing is the more authentic person. 

Notice it.  Let something happen for us to look different.