What They Said!
Gary T. :- International Male Model
"Working with John Murray headshots was one of the most liberating shoots I have ever done. As a working model I have had my picture taken thousands of times but nothing could compare to Johns. I can honestly say it was perfect timing and a time in my life I was really hard on myself and very self conscious of my Image and overall looks. I learned a lot about not just how to get a great and natural picture but how to accept my "flaws" and just myself in general.
It's hard to explain in words but in complete honesty the man is amazing to work with and a true gent with a great talent."
Abi M. :- Managing Director, Target McConnells Advertising Agency
"So often I see a photo of myself and think it just doesn't look like me. I can see that the smile is a little forced and I can see how awkward I feel. John's aim is to get a picture of you that you love, one that you think actually looks like you! And he makes the process such fun. 55 of us in the agency had our headshot taken over 2 days and we all loved the experience. I'd highly recommend John and will definitely work with him in the future."
Eric L. :- Comedian, Actor, Presenter
Hadn't worked with John before so was unsure what to expect when I arrived for the photoshoot. Immediately made feel welcome and soon enough I realised I was in good company so I relaxed.
During the shoot he did suggest some stuff I should do with my eyes which I was unsure of and felt it would look a little daft if I'm, honest, but then I saw the results. The man knows what he's tallking about and I was hugely impressed with the pics.
Easily the best headshots I've had done and all down to John's expertise and ability to relax you and get the very best out of you"
Gary B. :- Chairman, Target McConnells, Irelands Leading Ad Agency
"Getting snapped by John is an education in understanding the mechanics of how you can look in a photo. He helps you navigate around how you want to look by explaining the consequence of your every move, pose, nuance. It’s an almost scientific appraisal of helping you get what’s inside of you out for others to see. Its challenging and revealing whilst always knowing you are in the hands of a master craftsman. Uplifting."
Kellie Blaise :- Actress, Musician, Singer & Writer
"When I first went to have my photo session with John, I had an expectation
of what would happen, having had my headshot taken many times I expected
the photographer to find my best shot and so the session would become
ultimately about going about getting it! Instead John put me in the drivers
seat, he would shoot and then bring me to the Monitor and show me each time
what I was doing with the muscles in my face and how they effect the
overall look and feel of a picture. He put me in control of what I wanted
to achieve and guided me through the process.He reminded me of this
wonderful Dr. Seuss saying "today you are you, that is truer than true,
there is no one alive that is youer than you!"
After the session that is exactly how I felt, that John was helping me
bring out my uniqueness! Everyone else is taken!
Tammy D. :- Founder & CEO "The Shona Project"
"I’m pretty sure everyone who John works with says they hate having their photo taken, but I REALLY hate having my photo taken. John made me feel comfortable immediately, and I would even go so far as to say I really enjoyed working with him, and would definitely do it again. He’s great craic."
Keeva G. :- Banking Professional
"I've always dreaded getting my photo taken and have ensured to avoid the camera at all costs. I'm the person to offer to take the shot rather than be in it.
However, I met John Murray from John Murray Headshots recently through my job - as I needed to get a professional Photograph taken. Needless to say I shivered at the thoughts of it.
John has this unique ability that completely puts you at your ease as soon as you enter the room. He places his focus on you for the entire time you are there.
He makes the experience light hearted and more importantly fun which ultimately relaxes you, but at the same time gives you clear direction and advice on how to look at the camera. He spends time working with you to bring out your best side. I'm delighted with my headshots - thanks John!"
Michelle S. :- Banking Professional
To put it simply, an unforgettable experience. Completely unnerving in the most refreshing way. You put me at ease and made me feel comfortable in my own skin. Totally professional and so talented. I would highly recommend you to everyone and have done.
Anita W. :- Company Director (www.dolledup.ie)
"I did my first headshot with John last year and was quite nervous. I'm really outgoing but hate getting my photo taken and am very self conscious, I don't even do selfies! John was brilliant, put me at ease straight away & taught me how to hold myself, helping me instantly relax so we both got the most from it and once we got started it was great craic.
He really loves what he does and captures the spirit of the shoot. He brings out the best in every way making the shoot really fun but most importantly building on your confidence. He tells great stories while he's working and you don't even realise you're being photographed.
Fast forward a more recent shoot for an updated headshot for work and I couldn't wait to go to his studio. John is so much fun to work with and you feel a million dollars leaving, it's like a confidence workshop rolled into a shoot. He should be doing seminars on confidence and self esteem.
On another note, I was dying to have my lips plumped (to make my face look smaller I told myself!), and was moving more and more towards the procedure until I read a blog post John did recently! It completely changed my mind. What I did take away from the post was that our unique and individual features are just that - individual.
I have a niece who I'm told looks like me and when I hear this I beam with pride, she's a beauty and I never saw myself looking or ever feeling like that at her age. She's 9. Changing any of my features is conveying to her that it's not ok to look like this. So in future when I feel like changing anything up I'll just book a session & will feel otherwise after an hour with John!"
Ann S. :- International Wedding Planner (www.annsmythweddings.com)
"Thanks a mil John .... It was nice to spend an afternoon laughing so much!I couldn't recommend you highly enough!"
"Tony Robbins talks about the difference between excellent and extraordinary being only a matter of three degrees difference. Just like those small movements you showed me today in my face. But not just in the facial expressions those three degrees of difference makes you extraordinary at what you do I really mean that I wasn't expecting them to be as good!!
I am so pleased with them, thanks again so much and I hope to work with you again soon."